Bayero University Kano (BUK) has secured the top prize at the 2024 Aspire Coronation Trust (ACT) Foundation Leadership Challenge, marking a significant achievement for the institution. The victory was announced during the Enactus National Competition held in Lagos on July 23, where BUK’s team outperformed over 20 other universities from across Nigeria.

BUK’s winning entry was a portable inverter system developed by a team of five students under the guidance of Professor Shamsudddeen Umar and Dr. Zainab Nuhu. This innovative device utilizes lithium batteries connected in series and parallel to generate up to 1,000 watts of electricity, enough to power essential household appliances like light bulbs, fans, and small electronic devices.

The BUK team consisted of:

1. Ahmad Abdullahi

2. Rafiat Olajide

3. Nimatullah Hassan

4. Idris Haruna

5. Aminat Adebisi

Led by Yusuf Musa, a 400-Level Law student, the team presented their project at the Civic Centre in Lagos. The panel of judges praised their invention as the competition’s best project, highlighting its ingenuity and practical applications.

Yusuf Musa attributed the team’s success to their commitment to diligence, teamwork, and resilience. He emphasized the diverse backgrounds of team members, noting how this diversity prepares them for real-world challenges after graduation. Musa also acknowledged the crucial support from the university leadership and expressed the team’s eagerness to develop more impactful projects in the future.

The ACT Foundation Leadership Challenge

The ACT Foundation Leadership Challenge, launched in 2016, is a collaborative effort with Enactus Nigeria. It invites submissions from various Enactus teams across the country. The challenge follows a rigorous selection process:

1. Teams submit their project ideas

2. Top 10 projects are shortlisted

3. Shortlisted teams receive seed grants for implementation

4. Projects are presented at the Enactus National Competition

This win is particularly noteworthy as it showcases BUK’s ability to compete at a national level in innovation and practical problem-solving. The portable inverter system addresses a critical need in Nigeria, where consistent electricity supply remains a challenge for many households.

The project not only demonstrates technical prowess but also highlights the university’s focus on developing solutions that have real-world applications and potential societal impact.

BUK’s success in this challenge could potentially boost the university’s reputation in the field of practical innovation. Attract more funding and support for similar projects. Inspire other students to engage in solution-oriented research and development.

The team’s achievement serves as an example of how Nigerian universities can contribute to solving local and national challenges through innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration.

As BUK celebrates this victory, the focus now shifts to how this success can be leveraged to drive further innovation and practical problem-solving within the university and beyond. The portable inverter system could be a stepping stone towards more advanced energy solutions, potentially impacting communities far beyond the university’s immediate environment.