Today we want to introduce you to Antoine Cheval, a sologamist French man who married himself after many failed relationships and love proposal rejections.

Antoine saw marriage as a sign of commitment to oneself and so decided to take the plunge and marry himself.

He said, “I was fed up with being alone and rejected, so I decided to prove to myself that I was worth loving and marrying by taking the ultimate step of marrying me.”

Though some may think it odd to marry oneself, Antoine found it to be a liberating experience.

“I’m now more independent, and I feel like I have a stronger connection to myself and my life,” he said.

Antoine may inspire others around the world to follow suit, with some even having their own sologamy ceremonies.

Some may call it strange, but for Antoine, it was a way of showing himself he was worth loving and taking the ultimate step of commitment.

So, here’s to Antoine Cheval, a sologamist French man who married himself after many failed relationships and love proposal rejections!