In Nigeria, despite efforts to enhance maternal health, attendance and adherence to recommended antenatal care (ANC) schedules are still below optimal levels. Solving this problem demands diverse approaches customized to Nigeria’s specific socio-economic, cultural, and infrastructural conditions.

1. Community Education and Awareness Campaigns

Lack of awareness hampers ANC attendance. Community education via multiple platforms can boost it. Engage influencers and healthcare pros for wider reach and credibility.

2. Improving Healthcare Infrastructure

Limited healthcare access hinders ANC adherence, especially in rural Nigeria. Improve infrastructure, equip clinics, and deploy mobile units for better attendance.

3. Financial Incentives and Support Programs

Healthcare costs pose barriers for Nigerian women. Offer free ANC or incentives like transport vouchers. Cash transfer programs for ANC adherence could work.

4. Training and Empowering Healthcare Workers

Empower healthcare workers with ongoing training for better ANC adherence. Focus on patient-centered care, cultural competence, and effective communication. Task-shifting can tackle workforce shortages.

5. Engaging Male Partners and Families

Cultural norms shape health behaviors in Nigeria. Involving male partners and family in ANC education promotes support for pregnant women. Encourage male involvement through workshops for inclusive ANC adherence.

Improve ANC attendance by addressing educational, financial, infrastructural, and cultural obstacles today.