The Vice Chancellor of Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University, Makurdi, Professor Isaac Itodo, has revealed that under his leadership, the university successfully mobilized approximately 8,000 graduates for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

During a session with members of the Correspondents’ Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Prof. Itodo highlighted that the mobilization process had been stagnant for several years prior to his administration.

He further explained that upon assuming office, he took steps to create more non-academic directorates, ensuring that deserving officers were promoted to motivate high productivity.

Prof. Itodo also addressed the issue of transcript processing delays, stating that his administration has implemented measures to expedite the services, assuring that there is still more room for improvement.

Recognizing the competition among universities for student intake, the Vice Chancellor shared that Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University has expanded its engineering department to accommodate more students and create job opportunities for both the local community and engineering professionals.

Additionally, he highlighted the proposed International Conference Center at the university, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, as a means to boost the institution’s internally generated revenue.

Discussing security concerns, Prof. Itodo acknowledged a recent incident where unknown gunmen invaded a female hostel and robbed the occupants of their belongings. He also mentioned instances of students being kidnapped and villagers protesting due to a sense of abandonment by the government.

To address these security challenges, the university management has acquired Hilux vans and motorcycles for patrol purposes and is collaborating with the Department of State Services (DSS) to train 400 security personnel to maintain order on campus.

The Vice Chancellor expressed hope that the Benue State Government would prioritize the rehabilitation of the SRS junction – J.S Tarka University road, which becomes nearly impassable during the rainy season.

In conclusion, Prof. Itodo expressed gratitude to TETFUND, Senator George Akume (Secretary to the Government of the Federal), Prof. Joseph Alakari (Secretary to the Benue State Government), and Prof. Gabriel Akpen for their efforts in supporting the growth of the institution.