A cow purchased for the upcoming Ileya festival caused a significant traffic accident earlier today in Ede. The incident occurred around 10:15 AM, leading to traffic delays and several minor injuries.

Witnesses reported that the cow, which had been loosely tethered in the back of a truck, suddenly broke free and jumped into the path of oncoming vehicles. The truck, belonging to a local livestock trader, was en route to a nearby market where preparations for the Ileya festival were in full swing.

“I was driving right behind the truck when I saw the cow leap out. It was chaos,” said Olawale, one of the drivers involved in the collision. “Cars were swerving to avoid hitting the animal, and it caused a chain reaction of accidents.”

Local authorities arrived promptly at the scene to manage the situation. Officers from the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) redirected traffic and assisted in clearing the road. Emergency medical services were also on hand to treat those with minor injuries.

“Fortunately, there were no fatalities,” said FRSC spokesperson “We have taken the cow into custody and are working with the owner to ensure such incidents do not happen again.”

As the Ileya festival approaches, community members are hopeful that the rest of the celebrations will proceed without further incident.