On Sunday, July 7, Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of Living Faith Church Worldwide, imparted spiritual wisdom to his congregation, focusing on how believers can secure abundant provisions and receive answers through faith.

In his sermon titled “The Bible: A Most Reliable Guide to Life,” Oyedepo underscored the importance of relying on God’s word to navigate life’s challenges.

He emphasized his unwavering commitment to integrity, stating that neither he nor his family has ever lacked, citing biblical principles as their foundation.

“Every genuine question has an answer in Jesus,” Oyedepo affirmed. “Who pays me? Suddenly, the word came—‘After these things, He appointed seventy others also, and the laborer is worthy of his wages.’ So He said to me, ‘You are under my employ; I am responsible. Just stay on duty, the light of life.’ Since then, I have never worried about my provision, from now until eternity.”

Displaying Luke 10:7 on the church’s screen, he referenced, “Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house.”

“My family has never had to pray for our daily bread. The light of life, like the five loaves and two fishes, has always been more than sufficient. I have never diverted even one naira of church funds for personal gain,” Oyedepo asserted.

Addressing church growth, he shared insights from the book “Reach Out for the Light,” highlighting four key strategies for expanding congregational influence, particularly in challenging circumstances. He urged the congregation to pursue spiritual enlightenment.

Concluding with John 6:63, he proclaimed, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”

Bishop Oyedepo’s message resonated deeply with attendees, reinforcing the importance of faith and divine provision in their lives.