Yesterday marked the end of my three-year relationship, or perhaps it had ended earlier. The issues began to surface last month. My partner was going through a tough financial time, and I supported him in every way possible. I lent him money and made sure we had food at home.
When his rent was due, he moved in with a friend, and I returned to my place. He had always insisted I stay with him, often pleading for me to come back whenever I went home. When he returned to his place, he was upset that I took all my things (clothes and shoes) with me, but we managed to work it out. He began to recover financially, repaid the money he borrowed from me, and even sent me money randomly. He invited me to his friend’s place, but I declined. He complained that we didn’t spend Valentine’s Day together and that I didn’t want to be with him during the election break. Despite this, we resolved our issues and continued our relationship.
I posted an old beach photo on my status, and a few days later, he accused me of going to the island without telling him and insinuated I was with another man. When I tried to explain it was an old photo, he cut me off, saying, “no..don’t bother explaining. I don’t care.” The next time we spoke, he brought it up again. When I tried to talk, he said he didn’t care and would call me back. He never did and ghosted me for a week.
I reached out to him, suggesting he end things if he was going to continue ghosting me. He responded by saying I was giving him negative energy and that he was focused on making money and didn’t have time for our relationship. He added that he was always the one calling and that it was fine if I wanted to end things.
I apologized, not realizing I was giving off negative vibes. We reconciled, or so I thought, but then I found myself being the one to call and text for three days. He didn’t reach out once. Yesterday, I called him, and during our conversation, I asked if he was still staying with his friend. He said no, he had rented a place. The previous day, he told me he was going to see an agent. When I asked when he rented the place, he avoided the topic and wanted to change the conversation.
Having nothing else to say, I told him, “Please don’t call me, just go,” and hung up. I’m left wondering if I did something wrong because I genuinely don’t know. Things seem to be going well for him now, and perhaps he no longer needs me. I’m seeking advice on what to do and how to move on from this painful situation. Thank you.