Nigeria is set to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to combat rising unemployment, with a bold initiative aimed at equipping 70% of the country’s youth with AI-related skills. This strategy, spearheaded by the Ministry of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy, is part of a broader effort to position Nigeria as a key player in the global AI landscape.

The Ministry’s draft National AI Strategy outlines an ambitious plan to address the country’s unemployment challenge. With the global demand for AI talents steadily increasing, the Nigerian government recognizes the importance of a highly-skilled workforce to drive economic growth and innovation.

The 72-page document outlines Nigeria’s intent to reduce unemployment by five percentage points by 2030 by training a significant portion of its young population, particularly those aged 16-35, including women and people with disabilities, in AI skills.

Artificial intelligence is expected to significantly impact Africa’s economy, with projections suggesting it could add $2.9 trillion to the continent’s GDP by 2030. For Nigeria, the AI market is projected to reach $434.4 million by 2026, underlining the technology’s potential to drive economic development. The strategy emphasizes that AI can serve as a powerful tool for boosting productivity and fostering innovation, particularly in lower-income countries like Nigeria.

To ensure Nigeria remains competitive in the rapidly evolving global AI landscape, the strategy focuses on building an AI-ready workforce. This involves educating future generations at various levels, training the current workforce, and attracting both local and international AI talent. The strategy also highlights the importance of equipping Nigerians with not only technical skills but also other crucial competencies such as innovation management, legal frameworks, and change management.

The AI strategy acknowledges that Nigeria faces significant challenges, including high levels of poverty, unemployment, and insecurity. However, it also highlights AI’s potential as a “developmental equalizer,” capable of addressing these issues by bridging gaps in human resources and infrastructure. By deploying AI effectively, Nigeria can achieve substantial improvements in productivity, economic growth, and overall quality of life.

The strategy further notes that the youth demographic is one of Nigeria’s greatest assets, with the potential to play a pivotal role in the global AI economy. By 2030, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) estimates that 28 million jobs in Nigeria will require digital skills, reflecting a market valued at $130 billion. This underscores the critical importance of the country’s youth in driving economic development through AI.

The success of Nigeria’s AI strategy will depend on several factors, including government commitment, responsible governance, and a long-term orientation. The strategy calls for a unified vision that not only accelerates AI development but also builds trust and cohesion among stakeholders.

While concerns remain that developing countries like Nigeria could be left behind as AI advances, the strategy argues that if harnessed responsibly, AI has the potential to drive inclusive and sustainable growth. It could reduce poverty, advance environmental sustainability, and empower individuals across all stages of development.

Nigeria’s National AI Strategy represents a forward-thinking approach to addressing unemployment and promoting economic growth. By focusing on equipping the country’s youth with AI skills, Nigeria aims to not only reduce unemployment but also position itself as a leader in the global AI economy. As AI continues to shape the future, Nigeria’s proactive strategy could play a crucial role in ensuring the country’s success in an increasingly AI-driven world.