President Bola Tinubu emphasized that Africa cannot advance without peace and unity. He highlighted that peace, stability, and democracy are essential for the continent’s growth and development.

This message was delivered on Wednesday during a dinner held in his honor by President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea. During the event, President Tinubu underscored the importance of Africa taking charge of its own issues, rather than relying on external forces to address its challenges.

Before the dinner, President Tinubu and President Mbasogo engaged in discussions and signed agreements on various topics such as petroleum and security. Tinubu urged fellow African leaders to focus on achieving peace and stability, emphasizing that now is the time for action.

He pointed out the serious problems of brain drain and loss of talent in Africa, which are driven by poverty, outdated legal systems, and tribalism. Addressing these issues is crucial for the continent’s development.

Additionally, President Tinubu called on international organizations to increase their investment in African research and development. He stressed that for Africa to truly progress, it must make peace the center of its development efforts. He insisted that while the continent understands the steps needed for progress, the challenge lies in executing these steps, and the time to act is now.

“We need to come together to focus on peace as a foundation for our development,” Tinubu said. “Without peace, there can be no real progress. It’s not that we lack the knowledge of what to do; we know what’s needed, but the challenge is in implementing these solutions. The time to start is now. We must roll up our sleeves, get to work, and strive for peace, stability, and progress.”