A nurse at a private hospital in Port Harcourt was arrested this morning for her alleged involvement in an illegal baby trafficking ring.

The nurse, identified as Mary George, was apprehended by local authorities after a thorough investigation linked her to the illegal exchange of newborn babies at the facility.

According to police reports, Mary has been under surveillance for weeks following multiple complaints from parents who noticed discrepancies with their newborns shortly after delivery.

It was discovered that the nurse had been manipulating birth records and coordinating with external parties to swap babies for financial gain.

The investigation revealed that the nurse operated within a network that facilitated the sale of infants to desperate clients. Sources indicate that several parents unknowingly took home babies that were not theirs, leading to emotional trauma and outrage within the affected families.

Residents of Port Harcourt have expressed shock and disbelief over the incident, calling for stricter regulations and background checks for healthcare workers. Authorities urge parents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities related to child birth.