Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, has announced new features for the messaging platform following his arrest in France last month. Durov was detained on charges related to failing to cooperate with law enforcement and allegedly facilitating illegal transactions through the popular messaging app.

In a statement shared on his official Telegram channel and on social media, Durov revealed that the app would be implementing several updates while discontinuing some older features. He noted that the changes aim to improve user safety and experience on the platform.

One key update involves the removal of the People Nearby feature, which allowed users to connect and message others in their vicinity. This feature will be replaced by Businesses Nearby, which will spotlight verified businesses, allowing them to showcase product catalogs and facilitate payments directly through the app. Durov explained that the People Nearby feature was underutilized, only used by about 0.1% of Telegram’s user base, and had issues with bots and scammers misusing it.

Telegram will disable new media uploads to Telegraph, its blogging tool. This move is aimed at preventing misuse by anonymous users and enhancing safety across the platform.

Durov highlighted that while nearly all Telegram users adhere to the law, a tiny fraction engages in illicit activities that tarnish the platform’s reputation. He expressed a commitment to proactively address these issues and turn the narrative around moderation on Telegram from criticism to praise.

Since its inception, Telegram has garnered a massive user base, currently boasting over 10 million paid subscribers. Durov’s recent announcements are part of a larger effort to maintain user trust amidst ongoing challenges, including regulatory scrutiny.

The decision to launch new features and remove outdated ones reflects Telegram’s response not only to internal concerns but also to external pressures from authorities. This strategy is crucial for providing a safe environment for its users, especially with growing concerns about privacy and security in digital communications.

Durov expressed his dedication to enhancing Telegram’s capabilities while ensuring user safety. By shifting the focus from connecting strangers to promoting legitimate businesses, he aims to create a healthier online ecosystem that can withstand scrutiny from governments and regulators.

Pavel Durov’s announcements mark an important shift for Telegram as it adapts to a changing regulatory landscape and user expectations. The upcoming changes demonstrate the company’s commitment to prioritizing user safety while promoting verified businesses on the platform, ultimately reinforcing Telegram’s position as a trusted messaging service in the digital age.