Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced a new initiative to promote artificial intelligence (AI) education and training around the world. The “Global AI Opportunity Fund” will provide $120 million to support programs in local languages, in partnership with nonprofits and NGOs.

Pichai believes that AI has the potential to transform lives, just as it did for him growing up in India. He said that access to technology, like computers, inspired him to pursue a career in technology.

Google has been investing in AI research, tools, and infrastructure for over two decades. In just the past year, the company has added 110 new languages to Google Translate, bringing the total to 246 languages. Google’s goal is to translate into 1,000 of the world’s most spoken languages.

Studies show that AI could boost global labour productivity by 1.4 percentage points and increase global GDP by 7% within the next decade. AI is already being used to improve operations and logistics in emerging markets.

Pichai emphasized the importance of developing, deploying, and using AI responsibly. Google is guided by its AI Principles and works with others in the industry, academia, and governments to promote responsible AI development.

Google’s announcement of the Global AI Opportunity Fund is a significant step towards making AI education and training accessible to people around the world. By investing in AI, Google is helping to ensure that everyone can benefit from this powerful technology.