The Association of Telephones, Cable TV, and Internet Subscribers of Nigeria (ATCIS) is standing firm against a planned price increase by telecom companies. Instead of raising prices, ATCIS is asking these companies to focus on improving the quality of their services.

Telephone users oppose call for increase in service tariffs - New Telegraph

During a media event in Lagos on Friday, Sina Bilesanmi, the National President of ATCIS, voiced strong opposition to the timing of the price hike. He said it couldn’t come at a worse time, as Nigerians are already dealing with many economic difficulties.

Bilesanmi stated that raising prices right now would only hurt telecom subscribers even more. He pointed out that while the telecom industry plays a big role in Nigeria’s economy, that doesn’t give them the right to push higher costs onto consumers who are already struggling financially.

He further explained that although the telecom industry may be facing its own set of challenges, passing these costs onto the consumers is not the right approach. Most Nigerians are finding it hard enough to cope with the current economic situation, so adding a price hike on top of that would be unfair.

ATCIS is calling on the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to step in and stop the price increases from happening. They are asking telecom companies to be more considerate and find other ways to deal with their problems without making life harder for their customers, especially those who are most vulnerable.

In addition to opposing the price hike, ATCIS is demanding that telecom companies be more transparent. They want a clear explanation of why these price increases are being proposed and how consumers will benefit from them.

Bilesanmi also highlighted the importance of service quality, insisting that if prices do go up, customers should at least get better service in return.

Adding to the discussion, Sam Oladipupo, the Welfare Manager at ATCIS, stressed the need for fair billing practices. He believes that before any price changes are made, telecom companies should involve all stakeholders in an open conversation and make sure the process is fair for everyone.