Former Vice President of Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar, has expressed his appreciation for the gesture made by members of the House of Representatives, who have decided to reduce their salaries by 50% for six months as a show of solidarity with the Nigerian people during these challenging times of economic hardship and food insecurity.

However, Abubakar emphasized that this reduction in salaries is only a small part of the larger fiscal challenges that Nigeria faces.

He believes that the real issue lies in the excessive allowances of lawmakers and government officials, rather than their salaries.

Abubakar raised concerns about the implementation of the Oronsaye Report, which was intended to streamline government agencies and reduce costs.

He points out that there has been a significant increase in the number of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), leading to additional expenses.

He argued that there is a great deal of wasteful spending and a lack of prioritization of essential expenditures within the government.

Abubakar believes that what is truly needed is a comprehensive reduction in expenses across the board. He asserts that Nigeria can no longer afford to borrow money to fund irresponsible practices within the government.

“The decision of the House of Representatives to reduce their salaries is commendable, but it is just a small step in the right direction. The real demons are in the excessive allowances and not the salaries of lawmakers and government officials. We must address the implementation of the Oronsaye Report, as we have seen a worrying increase in the number of MDAs, resulting in unnecessary costs”.

“There is a clear need to cut expenses across the board and prioritize essential expenditures. We cannot continue to borrow money to sustain irresponsible practices in our government,” states Abubakar in a media statement.

With his perspective, Abubakar highlighted the urgent need for comprehensive expense reduction and responsible financial management within the Nigerian government.