If you’re planning to drink alcohol, eating the right foods beforehand can help prevent a hangover. When you eat certain foods, they slow down the way your body absorbs alcohol, keeping you hydrated and maintaining steady energy levels. Here are some simple foods to eat before drinking:

1. Avocados: Packed with healthy fats and potassium, avocados help balance electrolytes and slow down alcohol’s effect on your body.

2. Eggs: Eggs are rich in protein, which slows alcohol absorption and helps keep you full, making it harder to drink too much.

3. Bananas: These are full of potassium, which your body loses when drinking alcohol. Eating a banana can help you stay hydrated and avoid feeling weak.

4. Oats: Oatmeal is full of fibre, which helps control blood sugar and gives you steady energy while you drink.

5. Sweet Potatoes: Rich in fibre and potassium, sweet potatoes help balance blood sugar and keep your energy up.

6. Nuts: Nuts are full of healthy fats and protein, which slow alcohol absorption and help prevent hangover symptoms.

7. Cucumbers: Full of water, cucumbers help keep you hydrated, which is important since alcohol causes dehydration.

Eating these foods before drinking can help you feel better the next day by reducing hangover symptoms like headaches and fatigue.