David Oyedepo, the Chancellor of Covenant University in Ota, Ogun State, has called on the Nigerian Federal Government to take significant steps in developing educational modules that can effectively address the country’s pressing challenges. In an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on September 25, 2024, Oyedepo emphasized the urgent need for a transformation in the educational system to better serve the nation.

Oyedepo expressed concern over the current state of formal education in Nigeria, questioning its value when it fails to provide solutions to critical issues facing the country. He stated, “What is the value of formal education and chains of degrees that proffer no solutions to numerous challenges confronting the country?” This statement reflects his belief that education should not only focus on academic achievements but also on practical applications that can lead to positive changes in society.

He urged universities to evolve into “solutions centres,” where students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle real-world problems. According to Oyedepo, educational institutions should function like engineering workshops, where young minds are trained to think critically and innovatively. He believes that this approach will help students develop into productive individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society.

The Chancellor highlighted several key areas where educational institutions can make a significant impact, including unemployment and insecurity. He argued that by repositioning universities as centers for intellectual development and problem-solving, Nigeria could better address these issues. “It is time for the universities to be repositioned to provide intellectual solutions to issues of concern to government, commerce and industry,” he stated.

Oyedepo’s vision includes creating “solutions centres” that not only engage the public but also attract industries across various sectors. He believes that these centers could become hubs for collaboration between academia and industry, fostering innovation and driving economic growth. By leveraging the intellectual resources within universities, Nigeria can develop strategies to combat unemployment and enhance security.

In addition to his call for educational reform, Oyedepo’s remarks resonate with a broader conversation about the role of higher education in nation-building. Many stakeholders in Nigeria are increasingly recognizing that traditional educational models may not suffice in addressing contemporary challenges. There is a growing consensus that education must evolve to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world.

The Chancellor’s comments come at a time when Nigeria faces multiple socio-economic challenges. With high rates of unemployment and persistent security threats, there is an urgent need for effective solutions. Oyedepo’s proposal for universities to take on a more active role in providing these solutions reflects a proactive approach to tackling these issues.

As Nigeria looks toward the future, Oyedepo’s insights serve as a reminder of the potential impact that a reformed educational system can have on society. By focusing on practical skills and real-world applications, universities can help shape a new generation of leaders equipped to navigate the complexities of modern life.

David Oyedepo’s call for educational reform highlights the importance of aligning academic programs with national needs. By transforming universities into centers for innovation and problem-solving, Nigeria can better equip its youth to face current and future challenges.