A new book called “The Catalyst: Nigerian Tech Evolution Through a Journalist’s Lens” is being launched to celebrate Nigeria’s booming tech industry. The author, Dayo Oketola, is a former editor of The Punch newspaper. The launch will take place on September 17, 2024.

The launch is being supported by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) and the Association of Licensed Telecommunications Operators of Nigeria (ALTON). Former president Olusegun Obasanjo will even be the special guest speaker! 

The book tells the story of how Nigeria’s tech industry has grown rapidly since the introduction of mobile phones (GSM) in 2001. Oketola says this growth has brought over $70 billion in investments and created more than 500,000 jobs.

The book doesn’t just look at the past. It also offers ideas on how Nigeria can keep growing its digital economy and take full advantage of the opportunities it presents.

Oketola recently stepped down as editor of The Punch. He won several awards during his time there, including Editor of the Year at the Nigeria Media Merit Awards in 2023.

The book launch is also a celebration of Oketola’s nearly 20 years in journalism. He says his work has always focused on advocacy and making a positive impact on Nigeria’s economy.