Charging your phone might seem like a simple, everyday task, but there’s more going on behind the scenes than you might realize. Your charging habits can significantly impact your phone’s battery life and even your safety. Here are some common mistakes people make when charging their phones and how to avoid them.

Most modern smartphones use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which are known for their efficiency and adaptability. However, these batteries aren’t perfect. One of their limitations is that they don’t do well when completely drained or left charging after reaching 100%. Both of these scenarios can gradually reduce your battery’s overall capacity.

To maintain your battery’s health, it’s best to unplug your phone once it’s fully charged. While many phones now have built-in systems to stop charging when they’re full, these systems aren’t foolproof. Taking the simple step of unplugging your phone can help preserve its battery life in the long run.

Another important consideration is where you charge your phone. Charging naturally generates some heat, which you’ve probably noticed if you’ve ever felt your phone warm up while plugged in. This heat can become dangerous if your phone is charging in a warm or poorly ventilated area, like under your pillow or in your bed.

Charging your phone in such conditions can cause it to overheat, potentially leading to a fire. Both Apple and Google advise charging your phone on a clean, flat surface, like a bedside table, to minimize this risk.

Losing your original charging cable or plug is frustrating, and replacing them can be tempting with cheaper alternatives. However, this is a mistake. Many low-cost charging accessories are poorly made and not designed to provide efficient power supply.

Using a cheap cable might result in slower charging times, or worse, the cable itself overheating. It’s worth spending a bit more on a quality replacement from a reputable brand, like your phone’s manufacturer or trusted companies like Anker. A small investment can make a big difference in your phone’s performance and safety.

It might seem like a good idea to download apps that promise to extend your battery life, but these apps often do more harm than good. On iPhones, these apps typically don’t have access to any meaningful settings, and on Android devices, they might gain too much access to your phone’s internal workings. This could lead to privacy issues or even scams.

It’s safer to manage your battery life through your phone’s built-in settings and features, rather than relying on third-party apps that could compromise your device.

Lastly, it’s important to avoid using your phone for demanding tasks while it’s charging. Streaming HD videos or playing graphic-intensive games while charging can generate extra heat, putting additional stress on your battery. This won’t cause immediate damage, but over time, it can reduce your battery’s lifespan.

To keep your phone in good shape, it’s best to let it charge undisturbed. This simple habit can help your phone stay cooler and extend its battery life.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can help ensure your phone remains in top condition for as long as possible. Charging your phone might be a routine task, but doing it right can make all the difference.