The Nigeria Olympic Committee (NOC) has stressed the importance of ongoing education for sports administrators, recognizing its crucial role in enhancing the management of sports in the country. Recently, the NOC partnered with the National Association for Physical, Health Education, Recreation Sports and Dance (NAPHER-SD) South West zone to organize a three-day course for over 22 sports administrators. This program aimed to equip participants with the necessary tools to excel in their profession and promote harmony in sports management worldwide.

NOC Stresses the Importance of Ongoing Education for Sports Administrators

The seminar, held at the Nigeria Olympic Committee’s boardroom, featured experienced facilitators who shared their expertise on various aspects of sports administration. The program coordinator, Mrs. Deborah Chidobi, highlighted the importance of continuous learning for sports administrators, emphasizing the need to stay updated on best practices and international standards.

NOC President Habu Gumel urged participants to apply their newfound knowledge in their respective states and organizations, emphasizing the significance of continuous education in sports administration. He noted that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) offers sports administration and advanced sports management courses to support National Olympic Committees in enhancing the skills of sports administrators worldwide.

The IOC’s solidarity program provides a valuable platform for sports administrators to learn from international best practices and share their experiences. By providing opportunities for continuous education, the NOC is contributing to the growth and development of sports in Nigeria.

The NOC’s emphasis on continuous education for sports administrators is a vital step towards improving the management of sports in Nigeria. By investing in the development of sports administrators, the NOC is promoting harmony in sports management worldwide and enhancing the overall quality of sports in the country.