Ebonyi State has recently completed the construction of a new airport. The state government is now considering starting its own airline to operate flights to and from the airport.

The decision to build the airport has received mixed reactions. Some people believe that it is a waste of money, while others believe that it will benefit the state’s economy.

Critics argue that there are already too many airports in Nigeria and that the Ebonyi State government should have focused on other priorities, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. They also point out that many airports in Nigeria are underutilized.

Supporters of the airport believe that it will boost the state’s economy by attracting businesses and tourists. They also argue that the airport will improve connectivity between Ebonyi State and other parts of Nigeria and the world.

The Ebonyi State government is planning to start its own airline to operate flights to and from the new airport. The airline would be called Ebonyi Air.

The state government faces several challenges in starting an airline. These challenges include obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, acquiring aircraft, and finding qualified personnel. However, the government believes that the potential benefits of the airline outweigh the challenges.

The Ebonyi State airport could boost tourism and trade in the region. It could also make it easier for people to travel to and from Ebonyi State.

The construction of the Ebonyi State airport is a significant development for the state. Whether or not the airport will be successful remains to be seen. However, the state government is optimistic about the potential benefits of the airport and the airline.