Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are like swollen bumps that can appear around your bottom or inside your bottom.

They can make sitting or going to the bathroom feel uncomfortable.

Why Do Piles Happen?

1. Straining: If you have to push hard when you go to the bathroom, it can make these bumps appear. This can happen if you’re constipated, which means you have trouble going to the bathroom.

2. Pregnancy: When a baby is growing in the mommy’s tummy, it can press on the bottom area and cause piles.

3. Being Overweight: If someone is very heavy, it can put extra pressure on their bottom and lead to piles.

4. Sitting Too Long: Sitting for a long time, especially on hard seats, can cause piles.

5. Getting Older: As people get older, their bottom area can weaken, making piles more likely.

How to Feel Better

1. Eat Fiber: Eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help keep your bathroom trips easier and softer, which helps with piles.

2. Use Creams: There are special creams that can help with the itching and swelling.

3. Warm Baths: Sitting in a warm bath can make your bottom feel better.

4. Move Around: Playing and moving helps avoid piles by making sure you don’t sit too long.

5. See a Doctor: If piles are really bad, a doctor can help with special treatments.

Piles can be uncomfortable, but with the right care, you can feel better soon!