Saga, a former Big Brother Naija contestant, has taken to social media to publicly address an unresolved financial matter involving his fellow ex-housemate Khalid. The issue revolves around an unpaid debt, and Saga did not hold back in expressing his frustration and disappointment.

In a detailed post on his Instagram page, Saga accused Khalid of being deceitful and dishonest, going so far as to label him a thief for failing to repay the money he owes. The post highlights Saga’s growing impatience and the strain this situation has put on their relationship.


Saga wrote, “You are a liar and a literal thief. I don’t know what else to do to get you to pay me the money you took from me. It’s been four months, pay me.” This strong statement underscores the length of time the debt has been outstanding and the measures Saga feels compelled  to resolve the matter.

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Saga’s public call-out has garnered significant attention, with many fans and followers weighing in on the situation. This incident sheds light on the challenges and conflicts that can arise even among public figures and reality TV stars, who are often perceived as living glamorous and trouble-free lives. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of integrity and accountability, regardless of one’s public persona.