In a recent interview, Hon. Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, the Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Security, shared exciting news about the federal government’s efforts to revolutionize farming practices through the development of a web application.

Recognizing the challenges posed by the limited number of extension workers compared to the vast number of farmers in the country, Hon. Sabi Abdullahi explained the rationale behind the app’s creation. He emphasized the need to provide farmers with up-to-date knowledge and guidance on best farming practices for various crops.

“We are currently spearheading an E-extension program,” he revealed. “Our aim is to develop an app that can be translated into different major languages, enabling farmers to access valuable information and guidance to enhance their agricultural operations.”

The minister also addressed concerns regarding commodity prices, assuring Nigerians that the federal government has implemented several programs and interventions to alleviate the situation.

Recognizing the historical reliance on rainy-season farming, Hon. Sabi Abdullahi emphasized the importance of prioritizing dry-season farming to diversify agricultural practices and achieve sustainable food production.

Regarding the government’s plan to import certain food commodities within the next 150 to 180 days, he clarified that it is a short-term strategy to supplement supply. He reassured the public that these measures will lead to a decrease in prices in the immediate future.

With the introduction of the innovative web application and the government’s commitment to supporting farmers, Nigeria’s agricultural landscape is set to undergo a positive transformation, empowering farmers with knowledge and resources to thrive in the ever-evolving agricultural sector.