A gas explosion occurred this morning, May 30, 2024, in a small shop in Delta State, causing widespread panic and significant damage to the surrounding area. The incident took place around 10:30 AM at a gas retail outlet located in Asaba, the state capital.

According to eyewitnesses, the explosion was sudden and powerful. “I was just a few shops away when I heard a loud bang,” said Mr. Igwe, a local trader. “There was smoke everywhere, and people were running in all directions. It was chaotic.”

Emergency services responded swiftly, with firefighters and medical teams arriving at the scene within minutes. The Delta State Fire Service was able to contain the blaze within an hour, preventing it from spreading to adjacent buildings.

However, the shop where the explosion originated was completely destroyed, and nearby structures suffered significant damage.

Local authorities have confirmed that four people sustained injuries from the blast, including two shop workers and two customers who were in the vicinity.

They were immediately transported to the Federal Medical Centre in Asaba, where they are currently receiving treatment. Hospital officials report that all four are in stable condition.

The explosion has sparked concerns among local residents about the safety standards of gas retail outlets in the area.

The incident has left an obvious sense of restlessness in the community, with many residents calling for more stringent safety measures to prevent future occurrences.