Have you ever noticed your legs or feet feeling swollen after sitting for a long time, like on a long flight or at your desk? Or maybe after standing for hours without much movement? This happens because staying still for too long makes blood and fluids collect in your legs, causing swelling.

Our muscles help pump blood back to the heart, but when you sit or stand without moving, the blood doesn’t flow as well. Gravity pulls the fluid down, which leads to swelling, especially in the lower legs and feet. This is called edema.

It’s common to feel this after a long day of sitting at work, travelling, or standing for hours at a job. While occasional swelling isn’t dangerous, ignoring it can lead to more serious problems like:

– Blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT): Sitting still for too long can increase the risk of blood clots in the legs, which can be dangerous if they move to the lungs.

– Varicose veins: These are swollen, twisted veins that develop from poor blood circulation.

How to Avoid Swollen Legs

There are simple things you can do to prevent leg swelling:

1. Move around: Try to get up and walk every 30 minutes, or stretch your legs to keep the blood flowing.

2. Exercise: Regular walking or simple leg exercises can improve circulation.

3. Elevate your legs: Lifting your legs above your heart level for 15-20 minutes helps reduce swelling.

4. Wear compression socks: These improve blood flow and are useful during long flights or standing jobs.

5. Drink water: Staying hydrated helps prevent fluid buildup in your legs.

By staying active and following these tips, you can avoid leg swelling and keep your circulation healthy.