Living with a roommate in Nigeria can be fun for some but stressful for others. It’s not easy to share a space with someone who has different habits, but with a little effort, you can make it work.

1. Set Boundaries Early

Talk about what you both expect from the living arrangement. Whether it’s about sharing the kitchen or having friends over, making rules from the start helps avoid fights later.

2. Communicate Clearly

Don’t keep quiet if something is bothering you, like the noise or the mess. Politely talk to your roommate about it. Honest communication can prevent big arguments.

3. Respect Differences

Remember, you both grew up in different homes with different habits. Respect your roommate’s lifestyle, even if it’s not the same as yours.

4. Share Chores

Nobody likes doing all the work. Make sure you both share the chores equally so that one person isn’t doing all the cleaning.

5. Give Each Other Space

Living together doesn’t mean being together all the time. Give your roommate personal space and take yours too. Everyone needs alone time.

6. Solve Conflicts Early

If a problem arises, don’t let it linger. Address it early before it becomes a bigger issue.

So, if your roommate keeps leaving dishes in the sink, do you tell them nicely or start labelling everything with your name?