These days, many secondary school students have access to mobile phones, and some are using them to watch pornography. This is a serious problem that can affect their emotional and mental well-being. Here’s why it’s happening and what we can do to stop it.

Why Students Are Watching Pornography

1. Curiosity: Adolescents are naturally curious about their bodies and relationships. When they don’t get enough information about sex, they may turn to the internet and find pornography.

2. Peer Pressure: Some students watch pornography because their friends do, and they don’t want to feel left out.

3. Easy Access to Phones: Many students have smartphones and internet access without proper restrictions.

4. Lack of Supervision: Some parents and teachers are not fully aware of what students are doing online.

Effects of Watching Pornography

1. Wrong Ideas About Relationships:

Pornography shows an unrealistic view of sex and relationships, which can confuse students.

2. Addiction: Regularly watching

pornography can become an addiction, affecting schoolwork and relationships.

3. Emotional Problems:

It can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and confusion.

How to Stop It

1. Teach Students About Sex: Schools and parents should provide proper sex education to help students understand their bodies and relationships.

2. Monitor Phone Use: Parents should check what their children are watching and set limits on phone use.

3. Talk Openly: Parents and teachers should have honest conversations with students about sex and why pornography is harmful.

4. Offer Counseling: Schools should provide counselling for students who are struggling with pornography addiction.

By working together, parents, teachers, and society can help students stay away from harmful content and grow up with a better understanding of healthy relationships.