A depressed young Black woman is looking away, sitting with her knees hugged on the sofa at home, thinking about problems, feeling upset, lonely, and sad, suffering from anxiety. mental health problem

I just want to vent my anger out, I fell for the wrong guy, the kind of guy who seemed perfect at first. He was charming and kind, and he filled my head with dreams of a future together as husband and wife. For months, everything felt wonderful. I was swept off my feet by his promises and affection, believing that we were destined for something special.

A stressed, doubtful Black woman sits on a couch, suffering from a headache, regretting a mistake A stressed, doubtful young Black woman is sitting on a couch in the room, touching her forehead, suffering from a headache, regretting a mistake, thinking about problems, lost in thought. black frustrated woman crying stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

But then, things started to change. After a few months of our relationship, he began to emotionally abuse me. His words turned sharp, and his actions were cold, We quarrelled and he suddenly vanished from my life for five whole months without any explanation. I was devastated, lost in a sea of confusion and sadness. When he finally came back, he begged for my forgiveness, promising that it would never happen again. Despite my pain, I took him back.

To my surprise, the cycle repeated itself. He ghosted me a second time, disappearing as if I meant nothing to him. And once again, when he returned, I forgave him. I don’t fully understand why I kept forgiving him, why I kept clinging to someone who hurt me so deeply, especially during a time when I needed support the most—after losing my job.

My sister was furious with me. She couldn’t understand why I was so willing to forgive a man who clearly had no respect or genuine love for me. I left behind so many good, responsible men—both near and far—who were ready to marry me and treat me well. Instead, I chose to stay with someone who clearly didn’t value me.

Now, I’m left feeling shattered and heartbroken. I am a faithful lover, yet here I am, hurt and disappointed. It’s painful to think that I, a strong woman admired for my beauty and character, allowed myself to be mistreated repeatedly. The hurt I feel is overwhelming, and I can’t help but wonder why I let this happen to myself.

My sister’s words keep echoing in my mind: “A chameleon will never change its colour.” She said it so many times, and it’s now a haunting reminder of the truth I ignored. I believed he could change, that he would one day be the partner I hoped for. But all he showed me was that he remained the same, hiding his true colours behind a façade of charm.

The pain of this experience is compounded by the fact that I ignored the advice and warnings from those who cared about me. I thought that love was enough to make everything right, that my belief in him could change our future. But now, I am left lonely as he has gotten engaged to someone else.

In my moments of reflection, I wonder how I allowed myself to be so blinded by hope and affection. How did I miss the signs that he was not the right person for me? The reality is hard to accept, and the regret is heavy. I had so much potential for a healthy, loving relationship, yet I invested my time and heart in someone who was not worthy.

I wish I could go back and make different choices. I wish I could undo the pain and heartbreak that came from staying in a relationship that brought me nothing but sorrow. But all I can do now is learn from this experience and hope that someday, I will find the love and respect I truly deserve.