An explosion, believed to be the result of a planted Improvised Explosive Device (IED), rocked the bustling Buni Yadi market in Gujba Local Government Area of Yobe State. The incident, which occurred around 12:30 PM on Friday, caused injuries to a young girl, according to local resident Ali Hassan, who spoke to news correspondent over the phone.

Captain Muhammad Shehu, the spokesman for the Sector 2 Joint Task Force Operation Hadin Kai, confirmed the explosion and provided further details. He stated that the army discovered and successfully detonated another IED that had been planted in the market, preventing further harm. Captain Shehu emphasized that this incident involved a planted IED and clarified that it was not a suicide bombing.

The injured girl, the sole victim of the explosion, is currently receiving medical treatment at a health facility in Buni Yadi. The prompt response by the military in detecting and neutralizing the second device likely averted additional casualties.

Buni Yadi, located approximately 54 kilometers from Damaturu, the state capital, has a troubled history. The town was severely impacted during the height of the Boko Haram insurgency, remaining under the group’s control for two years. This latest incident underscores the ongoing security challenges in the region, despite significant efforts by the Nigerian military and other security agencies to restore peace and stability.

The explosion has left the community in shock, with many residents expressing concerns about their safety and the return of violent activities. Markets, which are central to daily life and economic activities, have become targets for such attacks, causing widespread fear and disruption.

Efforts are being made to ensure the safety of residents and traders in Buni Yadi. Security forces have increased patrols and surveillance in the area to prevent further incidents. Authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the relevant security agencies.

The resilience of the people of Buni Yadi is evident as they continue to rebuild their lives and communities in the face of such threats. The government’s commitment to tackling insurgency and ensuring the safety of its citizens remains steadfast, with continuous operations aimed at dismantling terrorist networks and securing affected regions.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by communities in northeastern Nigeria and the importance of sustained efforts to achieve lasting peace and security. The thoughts and prayers of the nation are with the victim and her family, and with all those affected by the ongoing insurgency in the region.