A stroke happens when blood can’t get to a part of the brain. This is like when a toy can’t get power because the batteries are missing or broken.

What Causes a Stroke?

1. Blocked Pipes: Sometimes, the “pipes” (blood vessels) in our brain get blocked by a tiny “clog” (blood clot). This is called an ischemic stroke.

2. Burst Pipes: Other times, a “pipe” in our brain might burst and cause a leak. This is called a hemorrhagic stroke.

How to Spot a Stroke

Remember the word FAST:

– Face: If one side of a person’s face looks droopy or strange, they might be having a stroke.

– Arms: If one arm is weak and can’t stay up, it could be a stroke.

– Speech: If the person can’t talk clearly, they might be having a stroke.

– Time: If you see these signs, get help fast!

Who Can Get a Stroke?

Some people have a bigger chance of having a stroke:

People who have high blood pressure (like a balloon that’s too full).

People who smoke.

People who eat too much unhealthy food.

To avoid a stroke, do these things:

1. Eat Healthy: Eat lots of fruits and veggies.

2. Exercise: Move your body every day.

3. Don’t Smoke: Smoking is very bad for your body.

4. Check Your Health: Go to the doctor to make sure everything is okay.

A stroke is serious. Knowing what it is and how to spot it can help you keep your brain and body healthy.