The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) proudly announces that it has successfully trained a total of 4000 Nigerian youths in various skills during the year 2024.

Through a collaborative effort with the Federal Ministry of Budgeting and Economic Planning, under the ITF’s National Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (NERGP), this training initiative has made a significant impact on the youth of our nation.

During the graduation ceremony of a fresh batch of graduates, held in Abakaliki, the capital of Ebonyi state, Dr Afiz Oluwatoyin Ogun, the Director General of ITF, expressed his delight in the accomplishments of the program.

He highlighted that 100 youths from the state have already participated and benefitted from the three-month technical and vocational training.

The training program consisted of two months of intensive learning, followed by one month of practicals and hands-on training.

This comprehensive approach aimed to equip the beneficiaries with the necessary technical and vocational skills, knowledge, and attitude to become self-employed or employers of labor.

Dr Ogun emphasized that the ITF-NERGP program plays a vital role in upskilling and re-skilling our youths in various trades, addressing the skills gap challenges that our country faces.

The trades covered in the training include furniture making, plumbing and pipe fitting, electrical installation, and beauty care.

In recognition of their achievements, all participants were provided with start-up packs corresponding to the trade they had learned.

The success of the training is evident as most beneficiaries are now capable of applying their newly acquired skills without supervision.

The ITF has been actively involved in implementing numerous skills intervention programs to combat unemployment, alleviate poverty, promote entrepreneurship, and reduce youth restiveness.

These programs include the National Industrial Skills Development Programme (NISDP), the Women Skills Empowerment Programme (WOSEP), Construction Skills Empowerment Programme (CONSEP), Agri-preneurship Skills Empowerment Programme (AgSEP), Skills Training and Empowerment Programme for the Physically Challenged (STEPP-C), among others.

Upon completion of the three-month training, participants underwent a thorough assessment.

The program is certified using the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) model, ensuring the recognition of skills, knowledge, and competencies acquired by individuals, regardless of the training source.

Dr Ogun expressed his confidence in the trainees, believing they are well-equipped to establish successful technical vocational businesses not only within the state but also beyond.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration between government officials, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders to further support the growth and development of our beloved country.

The Director General urged the beneficiaries to seize the opportunities presented by the training and utilize the skills acquired to build thriving careers.

These start-up packs are not merely a means to make quick money; they serve as a gateway to launching their own businesses and becoming successful entrepreneurs.