Residents of the tranquil Olodo area in Ogun state were jolted from their usual morning routine by a horrifying discovery. Earlier today, neighbors uncovered human parts in the house of a well-known landlady, Mrs. Funmilola Adeniyi.

The shocking revelation occurred around 8.00 AM when a pungent odor emanating from Mrs. Adeniyi’s property prompted concerned neighbors to investigate.

According to eyewitness, a group of residents decided to approach the house, having grown suspicious of the foul smell and Mrs. Adeniyi’s increasingly secretive behavior over the past few weeks.

Upon gaining entry, the neighbors were met with a gruesome sight: dismembered human parts were found concealed in various parts of the house. The immediate reaction was one of horror and disbelief, as Mrs. Adeniyi had always been regarded as a respectable and friendly member of the community.

The local police were quickly alerted, and officers arrived on the scene within minutes. Mrs. Adeniyi was apprehended and taken into custody for questioning.

Neighbors and local residents have expressed their shock and disbelief over the incident. Mr. Niyi, a nearby resident, remarked, “it’s unimaginable. Mrs. Adeniyi was always so polite and helpful. We never suspected anything like this could happen here”.

As investigations continue, the authorities are appealing to anyone with additional information that could aid in the investigation to come forward.