In a chilling turn of events, a young man was arrested by local vigilantes in Ado-Ekiti this evening. The suspect, identified as Busuyi, was apprehended after being found in possession of a human head and toes.Eyewitnesses reported seeing the suspect acting suspiciously near a secluded area of the town.

The local vigilante group, known for their dedication to community safety, quickly intervened. Upon searching the young man, they made the grisly discovery that has left the community in shock.The suspect was immediately handed over to the Ado-Ekiti Police Station, where further investigations are underway.

Authorities have yet to determine the circumstances surrounding the possession of the human remains and the identity of the victim.

Local residents are urged to remain calm as the police continue their investigation. The incident has heightened concerns about safety in the community, prompting calls for increased vigilance and cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

The police have assured the public that they are committed to uncovering the truth behind this disturbing incident and bringing those responsible to justice. More details will be released as the investigation progresses.