Minister of Arts and Culture, Barrister Hannatu Musa Musawa is encouraging Nigerians to celebrate our cultural diversity, seeing it as a source of strength and unity. During the 2024 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, she highlighted the importance of valuing and showcasing Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage.

Minister Hannatu Musa Musawa also emphasized the significance of taking pride in our culture and understanding how it can contribute to economic development, social and mental well-being, and national unity.

She pointed out that our diverse culture and ethnicity should be utilized to encourage dialogue, understanding, and peaceful coexistence, rather than letting differences create divisions. It’s a powerful message to view our diversity as a unifying force rather than a source of conflict. Let’s embrace our cultural richness and unity!

She says “The World Culture Day is an opportunity to remind and help us to understand the value of cultural diversity and the vital role it plays in ensuring peaceful co-existence as a vital tool for socio-economic growth and development.

“It is a day for deep reflection on where we are as a nation. Taking into cognizance that our dear country is characterized by a plurality of culture and ethnicity, it behooves us to change the narrative on people who are culturally, ethnically, and religiously different from us, to curb terrorism, kidnapping, and banditry and other negative vices as we forge ahead as one people with a common goal”.

Minister of Arts and Culture

The Minister shared that the Ministry will keep working hard with its agencies and partners to enhance Nigeria’s creative economy and elevate the nation’s reputation which aligns with their Eight-point Plan to position Nigeria as Africa’s Creative Capital by 2030.

“I call on all Nigerians to present our culture with deep pride and appreciation and encourage us to continue to see our diversity as our source of strength and unity from which we can build a progressive nation for us all”.

The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, also known as World Culture Day, is designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on May 21st annually which aims to increase awareness about the importance of culture in fostering sustainable socio-economic growth and development. It’s a significant occasion to recognize the vital role of culture in shaping our societies and driving progress.