In an interview, Mr. Olatunji Durodola, founder and chief innovation officer of UrbanID Global, commended Nigeria for its efforts in enhancing consent and data privacy in identity management. Despite recent data breaches, Nigeria is making strides in protecting citizens’ personal information.

Durodola emphasized the importance of seeking consent from individuals before accessing their data. He noted that Nigeria’s National Identity Database is ahead of other countries in this regard, prioritizing citizens’ rights and privacy.

However, Durodola also highlighted areas for improvement, such as tightening enrollment systems and enhancing interagency cooperation. He suggested that a hybrid of digital IDs and physical cards, along with proper infrastructure, would be ideal for Nigeria’s identity management system.

The expert also warned against relying solely on physical cards, citing the high capital requirements and limited support infrastructure. Instead, he recommended leveraging technology to simplify identity management and reduce costs.

Durodola praised Nigeria’s progress in issuing MobileIDs, which have been adopted by 23 million users. He encouraged the government to build on this success and prioritize citizen-centric services.

Nigeria is making significant strides in identity management, prioritizing consent and data privacy. With continued efforts and collaboration, the country can establish a robust and secure identity management system that sets an example for other nations.