In a bid to foster development and combat crime, the Nigerian Army is calling on military families to prioritize the education of their children. Brigadier General Ibikunle Ademola Ajose, the Acting General Officer Commanding 8 Brigade in Sokoto, highlighted the critical role of education as a pillar of societal advancement during the commissioning of the Army Cantonment Primary School in Gusau, Zamfara State.

Speaking at the event, Brigadier General Ajose emphasized the importance of education in shaping a prosperous and secure future for Nigeria. “Education is a vital instrument for the development of a society, and the Army will not treat the issue of education with a mere wave of hand,” he stated.

Ajose argued that many of the young individuals involved in criminal activities across the country lack proper education, which has contributed to the rise in crime, particularly in the northern regions.

The Nigerian Army, recognizing the link between education and crime reduction, is taking proactive steps to ensure that children of military personnel receive quality education. By investing in educational infrastructure and encouraging military families to focus on their children’s upbringing, the Army aims to create a positive impact on the broader community.

The newly commissioned Army Cantonment Primary School in Gusau is a testament to the Army’s commitment to education. The project was initially started by the Zamfara State Universal Basic Education Board (ZSUBEB) in 2021 but was left unfinished. Brigadier General Sani Ahmed, the Commanding Officer of 1 Brigade, explained that the Army stepped in to complete the construction after the project was abandoned.

“I promised the families of the Army officers that we would carry on from where the ZSUBEB stopped,” said Ahmed. The Army’s intervention not only revived the project but also ensured that the school would be fully equipped to provide quality education to the children of soldiers stationed in the area.

In addition to providing the infrastructure for learning, the Army is taking steps to eliminate barriers that might prevent children from accessing education. Brigadier General Ahmed assured parents that there would be no fees for school attendance, and uniforms would be provided free of charge. This initiative aims to relieve families of the financial burden associated with schooling, making education more accessible to all military children.

By removing these obstacles, the Nigerian Army is making a strong statement about the importance of education and its role in shaping a better future. This approach aligns with broader efforts to address socio-economic challenges and improve the quality of life for military families.

The Army’s emphasis on education is part of a larger strategy to instill discipline, responsibility, and ambition in the next generation. Educated children are more likely to become productive members of society and contribute positively to the nation’s development. For military families, providing a decent education for their children is not only a personal benefit but also a step toward enhancing the reputation and image of the Nigerian Army.

The Nigerian Army’s efforts to promote education among soldiers’ families underscore the belief that knowledge is a powerful tool for change. By prioritizing education, the Army is investing in the future of Nigeria, aiming to create a society where opportunities are accessible to all and where crime and insecurity are significantly reduced. This initiative reflects the Army’s dedication to building a brighter and more secure future for the country, one educated child at a time.