In a move that has left many Nigerian scholars studying abroad feeling the strain, the Federal Government has announced a 12.7% reduction in the allowances provided to students under the Bilateral Educational Agreement (BEA) Scholarship program. This decision, made by the Federal Ministry of Education, comes as a result of the ongoing economic challenges faced by the country.

The BEA scholarship, which supports Nigerian students studying in countries such as Russia, Morocco, Algeria, China, and Hungary, has been a lifeline for many young scholars. However, the recent memo signed by the Director of the Federal Scholarship Board, Ndajiwo H.A., on behalf of the Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, has brought about significant changes to the financial support provided to these students.

According to the memo, the monthly allowances for BEA scholars have been reduced from $500 to $220, while the graduation allowance has been slashed from $2,500 to $2,000. Additionally, the postgraduate research allowance has been cut from $1,000 to $500. These reductions have resulted in a significant decrease in the total amount payable to each student, from the initial $5,650 to the new figure of $4,370.

The memo further states that the balances owed to scholars for the years 2023 and 2024 will be paid as soon as the funds become available, providing some relief to those who have been waiting for their overdue stipends.

This decision comes at a time when Nigerian students studying abroad have already been facing challenges, with many reporting unpaid stipends for eight months. The economic pressures faced by the government have forced them to make difficult choices, prioritizing available resources to address pressing domestic issues.

While the government has acknowledged the prevailing economic situation as the primary reason for the allowance cuts, the impact on the affected scholars cannot be understated. Many of these students rely on the financial support provided by the BEA scholarship to cover their living expenses and educational costs, and the reduction in their allowances may significantly impact their ability to continue their studies without added financial strain.

As the government works to address the economic challenges, it is crucial that they also prioritize the well-being and success of Nigerian scholars studying abroad. These students represent the future leaders and innovators of the country, and their education and development should be a top priority for the government.

The Federal Government’s decision to reduce the allowances of Nigerian scholars studying abroad under the BEA Scholarship program is a reflection of the economic challenges faced by the country. While the government has stated that this decision is necessary due to budgetary constraints, it is essential that they work to minimize the impact on the affected students and ensure that their education and well-being remain a priority. As Nigeria continues to navigate these economic challenges, it is crucial that the government maintains its commitment to investing in the education and development of its future leaders.