The Ogun State Government has issued a directive to school heads across the state to prioritize the health and safety of all learners and staff members in a concerted effort to prevent the spread of cholera within school communities. The Commissioner for Education, Science, and Technology, Prof. Abayomi Arigbabu, announced these measures in a statement on Wednesday. He emphasized that preventive measures have been implemented to control the spread of the disease as schools resumed from the mid-term break and the Eid-el-Kabir holiday on June 19, 2024.

Prof. Arigbabu outlined a comprehensive set of measures aimed at educating and protecting both students and staff. These measures include:

1. Health Talks and Education: Schools are to conduct thorough health talks on cholera prevention. These discussions will cover symptoms of cholera, transmission routes, proper hand hygiene, and the importance of safe drinking water practices. Educating the school community on these aspects is crucial in preventing the spread of cholera.

2. Clean Water and Hand Hygiene: Schools must ensure the availability of clean water and soap for hand washing. Regular handwashing, especially before eating and after using the restroom, is highly encouraged. Additionally, the use of hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content is promoted as a supplementary hygiene measure.

3. Inspection and Maintenance of Water Sources: Regular inspections and maintenance of water sources within school premises are mandatory to ensure they are safe for drinking. This measure is vital in preventing waterborne diseases such as cholera.

4. Safe Consumption Practices: Learners and staff are instructed to consume only boiled or chlorinated water. They are also advised to avoid consuming raw or unwashed fruits and vegetables, which can be potential sources of infection.

5. Clean and Hygienic Environments: Schools must maintain a clean and hygienic environment by ensuring proper disposal of waste and regular cleaning of toilets and common areas. This helps in eliminating potential breeding grounds for cholera-causing bacteria.

6. Collaboration with Health Authorities: Schools are to work closely with local health authorities and adhere to their guidelines for cholera prevention and control. This collaboration ensures that the schools are aligned with the latest health recommendations and practices.

7. Safe Food Preparation: Ensuring that food is properly cooked and covered when not consumed immediately is critical. This measure helps in preventing contamination of food with cholera bacteria.

8. Monitoring Food Vendors Schools are to monitor food vendors closely. Vendors must obtain fitness certificates from health facilities to certify their suitability for handling food. This step ensures that those involved in food preparation and distribution are healthy and not carriers of the disease.

9. Designation of Health Officers: Schools should designate Health Officers to monitor learners and staff for symptoms of cholera, such as frequent watery stooling. Any suspected cases should be reported immediately to the nearest Health Care Centre and the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.

Prof. Arigbabu stressed the importance of adhering strictly to these preventive measures and maintaining a high level of vigilance. “By adhering strictly to these preventive measures and maintaining a high level of vigilance, we can collectively safeguard our health and well-being during this critical period,” he stated.

These directives come as part of the state’s proactive approach to combating cholera, a waterborne disease that poses a significant health risk. The comprehensive plan underscores the government’s commitment to ensuring a safe learning environment for students and a secure workplace for school staff.

The proactive measures being implemented in Ogun State schools are a testament to the government’s dedication to public health and safety. By fostering a culture of health awareness and hygiene, the state aims to mitigate the risk of cholera outbreaks and ensure that the educational environment remains conducive to learning and growth.

As the school communities adhere to these guidelines, the collaboration between educational institutions and health authorities will be crucial in effectively managing and preventing the spread of cholera. This holistic approach not only addresses immediate health concerns but also promotes long-term health practices that will benefit the entire community.