In a strongly-worded statement, the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) has denounced the economic strategies implemented by President Bola Tinubu, characterizing them as not only unrealistic but also deeply harmful to the welfare of ordinary Nigerians. Led by Dr. Falalu Bello, the venerable opposition party expressed profound dismay at what it perceives as a troubling disconnect between the current administration’s economic policies and the stark realities faced by everyday citizens.

Tinubu's Controversial Outing at Chatham House – THISDAYLIVE

The PRP contends that the Tinubu-led government either lacks awareness of the severe hardships endured by the common man or is steadfastly adhering to economic models imported from abroad, which have historically failed to foster sustainable development in nations grappling with similar challenges.

Citing historical precedent, the party pointed to past decades where similar policy prescriptions advocated by international financial institutions such as the IMF and World Bank have often resulted in economic stagnation rather than progress, particularly in regions across Africa and Latin America. The recent imposition of heightened taxes and interest rates under these policies, despite reports of widespread business closures including major multinational entities, was highlighted by PRP as particularly nonsensical.

PRP further decried the adverse consequences stemming from the removal of fuel subsidies, devaluation of the naira, escalating electricity tariffs, and rampant hyperinflation, all of which have significantly compounded the challenges faced by Nigerian manufacturers and exacerbated economic inequalities.

In contrast to the current approach, PRP posited that viable alternative economic strategies exist that could potentially offer more equitable solutions to Nigeria’s economic woes. The party called emphatically for an immediate reassessment of policies perceived as detrimental to the masses, urging the government to prioritize the welfare and prosperity of its citizens.

Turning its scrutiny towards the issue of the National Minimum Wage, PRP lambasted the government’s stance as being profoundly out of touch with the realities on the ground. The party criticized the inexplicable delays in adjusting workers’ wages despite a notable increase in government revenue, and underscored the glaring disparities in salary adjustments across various branches of government. PRP further criticized what it perceived as an unjustifiable prioritization of substantial increases in parliamentary and judicial salaries over addressing the pressing minimum wage issue affecting millions of Nigerians.

Consequently, PRP called upon President Tinubu to demonstrate genuine empathy and fairness by promptly addressing the urgent economic concerns facing Nigerian workers and citizens, emphasizing the imperative of policies that reflect a deep commitment to inclusive economic growth and social justice.




Victoria Ibiama