Chief Ifayemi Elebuibon, an Ifa priest from Osogbo land, suggested on Thursday that all political officeholders should take an oath of office and be sworn in with traditional deities to curb the nation’s rampant corruption

The traditionalist made the recommendation while appearing on the OSUN state correspondent of the Nigeria Union Journalists program “News Point” in Osogbo.

He claimed that if political officeholders are sworn in using “Ogun,” the god of Iron, or “Sango,” the god of Thunder, promising not to mismanage public funds but later acting against their word, the traditional gods and deities of the land will not spare them from getting away with misusing the public funds in their possession.

Chief Elebuibon insisted that when political office holders use the Bible or Qur’an as a tool for swearing-in ceremonies or taking oaths, it gets them away with financial frauds.

He said that while their punishment from God will be delayed, it will happen faster if done in the name of “Sango,” the god of thunder.

But while in the halls of power, he pleaded with them to refrain from lewd behavior that would bring disgrace or curses upon them and their entire household.

The Ifa Priest stated that conventional methods might be used to settle the paternity fraud lawsuits that have broken up and dispersed many households.

According to Elebuibon, “the race had enough traditional means to determine a child’s paternity that could be considered by whoever was interested in such investigation” .

He claims, “Yoruba are extremely powerful and have traditional DNA. They differ across families and compounds.

The reason behind the rise in paternity fraud cases in our community is that members of our race have chosen to forsake their rights and convert to two different religions.

In Yoruba tradition, a baby’s paternity may be ascertained even during childbirth. Back then, in my own household, a newlywed would swear before the Ogun shrine to stick to her husband alone.”

” Traditionally, there are several ways we can determine the paternity of a child. Those means are cheap and safe, but our people are not interested in them. There are alternatives available for those who are interested

In the end, he insisted that the high prevalence of marital adultery was caused by the complete rejection of Yoruba culture.