Rotten Tomatoes Pose Cancer Risk, Warns

A medical expert has discussed the health risks of consuming rotting tomatoes and pepper, Wales cautioned Nigerians in a viral video to avoid such tomatoes and pepper, often known as ‘eesa’

Wales warned in a viral video that eating rotting tomatoes and/or peppers on a regular basis posed various health hazards, including the possibility of cancer, due to the presence of hazardous microbes such as fungus, which are known to generate mycotoxins.

The doctor displayed rotting tomatoes on a plate, emphasizing that the difficult economic position should not be used as an excuse to ingest ‘poison’.

In his video, he said, “Good morning, fellow Nigerians. I understand that you are saving money on various items due to the economy.

If you notice rotting tomatoes and peppers at the market, run away.

“Just because we are in a ‘rogbodiyan’ (tough) economy doesn’t mean you should start eating poison.

This type of tomato can cause cancer.”Fresh tomatoes are high in vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants.

On the other hand, rotten tomatoes are not fresh in any form; they are squishy chunks of heaped tomatoes supplied at a lower price to individuals who cannot afford fresher choices.

“And, since they are damaged, these tomatoes are easily accessible to flies, who leave diseases and eggs within them. However, it isn’t the worst part.

As the tomatoes shatter, bacteria penetrate and cause them to rot. Among these microbes are fungi, which create mycotoxins. Meanwhile, mycotoxins have been related to cancer and the development of immunological deficiencies in people.

And, because tomatoes have a lot of fluid, these mycotoxins disseminate quickly to all areas of the tomato.”

The doctor also noted that boiling and washing the tomatoes would not remove the mycotoxins, which can cause cancer as well as kidney and liver damage.