Salted and smoked fish are popular for their unique flavours and long shelf life. While they can be a delicious part of your diet, it’s important to be aware of their health risks.

These fish are preserved with a lot of salt, which helps keep them fresh but can lead to health problems. Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases your risk of serious issues like heart disease and stroke.

Additionally, some smoked fish contain chemicals used to preserve them, like nitrates and nitrites. These chemicals can turn into substances linked to cancer when consumed in large amounts. Also, certain smoking methods might introduce harmful chemicals called PAHs, which are also linked to cancer.

The key is moderation. Enjoy salted or smoked fish occasionally, rather than making them a regular part of your diet. For a healthier choice, rinse the fish to remove some of the excess salt and opt for products with fewer added chemicals.

Balancing your diet with fresh or lightly cooked fish, which offers similar health benefits without the added risks, is a good way to enjoy the flavour while keeping your health in check.