Dr. Sadiq Sani, the founder and CEO of NETZENCE Sustainability Limited, has introduced a new technology designed to help Nigeria and the rest of Africa meet global emission reduction targets. In a recent interview, Dr. Sani explained how this innovation could make a significant impact in the fight against climate change, putting Nigeria on the global map as a leader in emission monitoring and reduction.

NETZENCE Sustainability Limited aims to support the realization of global goals, particularly the 2030 emission reduction target and the 2050 Net Zero target set by the United Nations. Dr. Sani emphasized that their technology is the first of its kind, capable of tracking and monitoring carbon emissions in real time. This technology not only allows for better management of emissions but also provides value to consumers by supporting environmental sustainability.

Dr. Sani highlighted that Africa faces unique challenges in emission reduction, particularly around data reliability, transparency, and trust. The new technology developed by NETZENCE addresses these issues by providing real-time data that is both reliable and transparent. This innovation is expected to improve the overall accuracy of emission reduction efforts across the continent.

For Nigeria, this technology represents a significant step forward. According to Dr. Sani, it positions Nigeria as the first country to develop a system capable of monitoring and reducing emissions in real time. This advancement will support President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s efforts to meet Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets. With this technology, Nigeria can showcase its emission reduction progress to the United Nations and other global organizations, setting an example for other countries.

Dr. Sani also addressed the skepticism that Africa is not ready to effectively combat climate change. He argued that Africa, particularly Nigeria, is more than capable of leading in this area. NETZENCE has already conducted case studies in Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya, proving that the technology works and can make a significant difference.

The technology offers real-time visibility into emission reduction, allowing communities and governments to see immediate results. This capability is crucial for Africa to meet the 2030 emission reduction target and avoid future emissions. Dr. Sani believes that with this technology, Africa can take a leading role in global climate change efforts.

Beyond emission reduction, NETZENCE’s technology also has broader implications for public health and environmental management. Dr. Sani noted that areas with high emissions often see higher rates of respiratory diseases, such as asthma. By providing real-time data, this technology can help governments identify and address health issues related to emissions more effectively.

Dr. Sani proudly announced that NETZENCE has already achieved a significant milestone by tracking emissions in real time at the Mainstream Energy Solutions Limited’s Kainji hydro power plant. This accomplishment, he said, is not just a win for NETZENCE, but for all Nigerians. It demonstrates the practical impact of the technology and its potential to transform emission reduction efforts across the country.

Dr. Sani emphasized that NETZENCE’s technology is openly available to everyone, providing a transparent and effective tool for emission reduction. He remains optimistic that this innovation will help Nigeria and Africa meet their climate goals, ultimately contributing to a healthier planet.