A tragic incident occurred today in an undisclosed secondary school in Ibadan, where a young boy lost his life during break time. The boy, whose identity remains anonymous at the time of this report, was reportedly playing with his friends when a playful push from a storey building led to his untimely death.

Eyewitnesses revealed that the boy, a student in one of the higher classes, was engaged in casual play with his classmates. However, what started as harmless fun quickly turned into a tragedy when he was pushed off the building. The impact from the fall was severe, and despite immediate attempts to provide medical assistance, he succumbed to his injuries shortly after.

School authorities have expressed shock and devastation over the incident. The students involved in the unfortunate event are currently being questioned, and the school management has vowed to cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies investigating the matter.

Parents and guardians have been advised to discuss the importance of safety and careful play with their children to prevent similar occurrences. Meanwhile, grief counselors have been called to the school to provide emotional support for both students and staff affected by the tragic loss.

As investigations continue, authorities have withheld further details about the school and the students involved to respect the families’ privacy.