Social media influencer Caramel has voiced her frustration over how some men react when women turn down their romantic advances. She noticed that some men start calling women “prostitutes” simply because they don’t want to date them.

In a heartfelt video post, Caramel shared her thoughts with her followers. “It’s really upsetting to see how some men behave when a woman says no to dating them. Why do some men feel the need to call women prostitutes just because they don’t want to go out with them? This is so disrespectful and immature,” she said.

Caramel made it clear that everyone has the right to choose who they want to date. “Just because a woman doesn’t want to date you doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with her. It certainly doesn’t give you the right to insult her,” she stressed.

Her message resonated with many of her followers, who shared their own stories and supported her. One follower commented, “Thank you for speaking out, Caramel. Women should be able to make their own choices without being judged or insulted.”

Caramel also talked about how this kind of behavior spreads harmful stereotypes and damages the way men and women treat each other. “We need to create a world where men and women respect each other’s decisions. Calling a woman a prostitute because she doesn’t want to date you is just plain wrong. We all need to do better,” she urged.