A tragic incident occurred on Wednesday in Lere Village, located in the Tafawa Balewa Local Government Area of Bauchi State, where a soldier reportedly shot and killed a civilian named Habibu Aminu. The Bauchi State Police Command has since confirmed the incident, speaking to news correspondents over the phone.

According to Ahmed Wakili, the Public Relations Officer of the Bauchi State Police Command, the unfortunate event stemmed from a confrontation between members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and personnel from Operation Safe Haven, who are stationed in Tafawa Balewa. The clash is believed to have escalated tensions in the area.

The altercation began when some PDP members from Lere Village were en route to a campaign event in Lere District, traveling in a convoy of three Sharon vehicles. The campaign was part of the preparations for the upcoming local government elections in the area. On their return journey, the group encountered a checkpoint manned by Operation Safe Haven personnel. However, instead of stopping as instructed, they reportedly chose to continue driving into Lere town.

This action did not go unnoticed by the troops. In response, the personnel from Operation Safe Haven later tracked down and arrested one of the drivers involved in the incident at his home in Lere. The arrest provoked an aggressive response from the group,

Who then returned to the checkpoint, presumably in an attempt to secure the release of the detained driver. What followed was a tragic escalation: the troops opened fire on the group, leading to the death of Habibu Aminu and causing injuries to several others.

Upon learning of the incident, the Bauchi State Police Command responded swiftly. According to Wakili, the Commissioner of Police, CP Auwal Muhammad, took immediate action by dispatching a unit of the Mobile Police Force to the area to provide reinforcement and restore order.

Additionally, a specialized team of experienced detectives has been assembled to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident. The goal, as stated by the police, is to ensure that justice is served, and those responsible for the tragic events are held accountable.

Wakili assured the public that the officers involved in the shooting would be identified and dealt with in accordance with the law. He emphasized that the Commissioner of Police is fully committed to carrying out a meticulous investigation, employing all necessary protocols and tools, including technical and scientific methods, to uncover the truth behind the incident. The investigation aims not only to bring justice for the victim and his family but also to restore calm and trust within the community.

The incident has sparked a wave of concern and discussion within the region, highlighting the ongoing tensions between civilians and security forces in certain areas. As the investigation continues, many are waiting for answers and hoping for a resolution that will prevent such tragedies from recurring in the future.