Big Brother Naija housemate, Nelly, has shed light on a conversation that reveals a deeper side of her fellow contestant, Sooj, showcasing his unwavering...
Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’ contestant, Zion, has expressed his concerns to fellow housemate Fairme regarding building a relationship with Onyeka.
In a candid...
Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’ housemates, Anita and Ocee, have emerged victorious in their respective food presentation tasks, earning accolades for their culinary...
Big Brother Naija contestant Mickhy has candidly shared that he has developed feelings for fellow housemate Handi.
In a private discussion with Zion, Mickhy opened...
In an emotional conversation with fellow housemate Nelly, Big Brother Naija Season 9 housemate Wanni revealed the reason behind her breakup with reality star...