Menstrual periods can be tough, and making a few simple changes can help ease the discomfort. Here’s what women should avoid:

1. Skipping Meals: Don’t skip meals even if you feel nauseous or have cramps. Eating regular, nutritious meals can keep your energy up and improve your mood.

2. Drinking Too Much Caffeine: Too much coffee or tea can make cramps worse and lead to bloating. It can also increase anxiety and disturb your sleep.

3. Not Drinking Enough Water: Dehydration can make bloating and cramps feel worse. Drink plenty of water—about 8 glasses a day—to stay hydrated.

4. Skipping Exercise: It might be hard, but gentle exercise like walking or yoga can actually help reduce cramps and boost your mood.

5. Wearing Tight Clothing: Tight clothes can make you feel more bloated and uncomfortable. Opt for loose, comfy clothing instead.

6. Stressful Situations: High stress can make symptoms worse. Try to avoid stressful situations or find ways to relax, like meditation or deep breathing.

7. Lack of Sleep: Hormonal changes can affect your sleep. Make sure you get enough rest to help your body handle the period better.

8. Ignoring Hygiene: Good hygiene is important to avoid infections. Change your sanitary products regularly and choose ones that are gentle on your skin.

Following these tips can help you manage your period more comfortably. Make sure to share this information with your daughters.