In a dramatic turn of events this Sunday, a suspected thief was apprehended in the market of Ibadan shortly after church service. The incident, which occurred around midday, drew a large crowd of onlookers and nearly escalated into a mob justice situation.

According to eyewitnesses, the suspect, identified as a young man in his twenties, was caught attempting to steal from a market trader. His suspicious behavior was noticed by several vigilant market-goers, who quickly raised an alarm.

Within moments, the market was in an uproar as traders and shoppers alike converged on the scene. The suspect was swiftly apprehended and faced the wrath of the angry crowd. Some individuals, enraged by the brazen theft attempt, began to beat the suspect, while others threatened to set him ablaze.

The situation grew increasingly tense, with several people reportedly attempting to douse the suspect with flammable liquids.
Fortunately, authorities were alerted to the situation.

Officers from the nearby police station arrived promptly and intervened just in time to prevent a tragic outcome. The police managed to disperse the crowd and safely extricate the suspect from the hostile environment.

The suspect was taken into police custody and transported to the station for further questioning and investigation. A police spokesperson later addressed the press, urging the public to refrain from taking the law into their own hands and to always report crimes to the proper authorities.

No serious injuries were reported, but the suspect remains in custody as investigations continue. The police have assured the public that they are committed to maintaining law and order and that the suspect will be dealt with according to the law.