Herpes is a type of germ that can cause little sores or blisters on your mouth or private parts. It’s like when you get a small cut, but it’s from a virus.

There are two main kinds of herpes: one that usually affects the mouth and another that usually affects the private parts.

How Do You Get Herpes?

You can get mouth herpes from kissing or sharing things like spoons or straws with someone who has it. Private part herpes is usually spread by close contact with someone who has the virus there.

What Happens When You Have Herpes?

If you have herpes, you might get small, painful sores. Sometimes, you might feel sick like you have the flu. These sores can come back from time to time.

How Can You Stay Safe?

1. Don’t Share Personal Items:
– Don’t share things like cups, utensils, or lip balm.

2. Talk to Your Doctor:
– If you have sores, a doctor can give you medicine to help them go away faster.

3. Safe Practices:
– If you’re older and thinking about having a boyfriend or girlfriend, it’s important to talk about staying healthy and safe.

Can You Get Better?

There’s no cure for herpes, but doctors can help you feel better with medicine. You can still play, learn, and have fun, even if you have herpes. Just remember to take care of yourself and follow the doctor’s advice.

Herpes might sound scary, but with help and care, you can stay healthy and happy!